Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Insurance Nightmare

I'm not kidding when I say "nightmare," I've literally had some sleepness nights. This whole health insurance thing has become a bigger/scarier problem than I ever imagined. Nobody seems to know why/how this happened and if it will be resolved without legal involvement. As of today I still have no medical coverage and I continue to receive incredibly enormous bills from Stanford. I'm not able to fill any prescriptions so I've actually stopped taking a lot of my medicines and I'm saving them in case I really need them in the near future. I know my doctor's would probably pass out if they knew, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

The main problem is that I've now been disabled for more than two years through Social Security Disability, which made me eligible for Medicare. Once you become eligible for Medicare, your COBRA gets terminated. The thing is that I was never informed of this and COBRA terminated my coverage without any notice. Usually when your COBRA ends you have 63 days to get onto a new health plan without a lapse of coverage (in my case this is crucial due to my pre-existing condition). COBRA notified me that my benefits had been terminated after those 63 days so I didn't even have an opportunity to find some other sort of health plan. If they're not able to fix this, I'm going to have to seek legal advice because what they did is obviously wrong/illegal. Once that gets squared away I will either have to go on Chris' health benefits and/or start working again.


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