Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Chemo Delayed Again

Today I went into Stanford to get my chemo which was delayed from last week, however once again I was not able to get it. After I explained to my doctor that my stomach was still upset and that I hadn't gotten any better she decided I needed to do some additional tests and wants me to see an infectious disease specialist first. They want to make sure that I don't have any type of parasites or some infection/bacteria in my system prior to doing chemo.

I have been able to eat a little more the last two days, but I still feel awful after eating and I'm constantly having to run to the restroom. This whole stomach problem has caused me to lose more weight, today I was down to 31.6kg (69.2lbs), which is definitely my all time low. I'm really glad I haven't seen my BMT doctor, because if he knew how much I weigh I would get the scolding of my life (he's always getting on my case about my weight).

So the plan for now is to for me to get a stool sample to Stanford tomorrow, see the infectious disease specialist on Wednesday morning, and then see my doctor again on Wednesday afternoon. If all goes well they will try to give me chemo Wednesday afternoon.


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