Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Chemo And Plenty Of Electrolytes

I spent approximately 9 hours at Stanford today believe it or not. It all started with an appointment this morning with the infectious disease specialist. All the tests I've been having have come back negative and since I've started to feel better he concluded that most likely whatever I caught in Mexico is mostly out of my system. He is being precautious though and ordering a couple of more tests to rule out any rare parasites/bugs that could still be in my system. Unfortunately that means getting a stool sample to them within an hour of collecting which is never fun.

After the specialist I had my labs drawn. Most of my counts were good except for my potassium and magnessium, which were VERY low. I guess all the diarrhea I've been having has drained all my electrolytes. I had to get 4 hours worth of replacements through IV. Fortunately I was finally able to get my chemo. It was a very long and boring day, Chris was nice enough to bring me some magazines during his lunch hour so I wouldn't be too bored. Because my doctor is concerned about my potassium, I'm scheduled to go back on Friday and Monday to re-check my levels.

One major issue that is causing me major stress right now is my health care coverage. When I got back from Mexico I received a letter stating that my COBRA coverage had been terminated effective June 30th. Of course I freaked out and contacted my health care provider, employer, and everyone else I could think of. It turns out that I became eligible for Medicare a few months back which automatically makes me ineligible for COBRA (of course nobody told me this). At the time I declined Medicare because I had COBRA and didn't want to lose it. Now I don't have Medicare and COBRA says I've been terminated. I'm hoping to get this all cleared up since I can't afford to not have medical coverage. I guess in the worst case scenario I would either have to go on Chris' insurance as a domestic partner or get a job that will give me medical benefits.


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