Things have change since the last time I have posted. Erika had a major anxiety attack last night and one this morning and because of the increased pain medication it might have heightened the experience. She was confused, scared and crying, which made me sad because I knew their was nothing that I could do for her. I had to just try to do my best to comfort her and let her know that I loved her and that she was safe and that everything was going to be ok, even though I knew that wasn't true. The doctors and all of us decided that it was time to change her pain medication so that she got a continuous dose all the time to try and make her feel as comfortable as possible. I absolutely do not want her to feel scared anymore. Erika has slept most of the day, from the morning until the evening. She has woken up a couple more times tonight and it seems she is in distress when she wakes up and still in a confused state, so tonight we slightly increased the medication dosage and so far it has seemed to help.
She can still be woken if we really try but at this point I don't want her to feel afraid, so were trying to make as little noise as possible in the room so we don't disturb her. So if you have tried to call the room today, I'm sorry but the phone has been unplugged.
I'll try to keep everyone posted if anything changes and I still plan on writing everyday, although I don't get a chance until real late. Right now were not having any visitors. Now the most important thing is to keep Erika as comfortable as possible during this time. If you feel you need to pray, please pray for that.
She can still be woken if we really try but at this point I don't want her to feel afraid, so were trying to make as little noise as possible in the room so we don't disturb her. So if you have tried to call the room today, I'm sorry but the phone has been unplugged.
I'll try to keep everyone posted if anything changes and I still plan on writing everyday, although I don't get a chance until real late. Right now were not having any visitors. Now the most important thing is to keep Erika as comfortable as possible during this time. If you feel you need to pray, please pray for that.
At 12:17 AM,
Randy said…
Both of you hang in there.
At 7:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Erika and Chris
Long time no see.
I'm always praying for both of you.
My mother also want to visit you, and I also want you to see my daughter.
My family and I will always be with you and Chris, and your family.
Looking forward to hearing from you!!
Love, Junko
At 7:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Chris, I am in continouis pray for Ericka and you..........I want God o comfort not only her but you also! I don't know what you believe but I do know that prayer DOES work..... I also believe in the ulimate healing.....I Love you two VERY Much! I won't bother you, but will continue to read these updates..... I Love you ~Marilyn
At 7:38 AM,
Jinky said…
My thoughts are with the both of you.
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please continue to have positive thoughts. Thanks for keeping the blog up to date Chris.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Erika and Chris! Remember me? One of your old tap buddies from Anthony's class at the AMT. Thinking of you and remembering the fun we had dancing to that Jack Johnson "Banana Pancakes" song! I miss dancing with you and am thinking good thoughts for you both.
At 5:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Chris, I think you are doing the right thing, telling her how much you love her and how much you are willing to protect her. What makes Erika feel relieved is your love towards her. Love, Miho
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