Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Three Long Weeks

Just as I expected, the bone marrow biopsy was a horrific experience. The resident that did it was very nice, but I think I’m just exceptionally hard to get bone marrow out of. I was even given two small doses of morphine right before and it didn’t do a thing, except make me sick to my stomach later that day. The oncology team was going to go get the results yesterday, so I may receive some answers today during rounds.

The CT that I had done that same morning appears to be worse. The chest x-ray that I had done showed improvement in the mucus amount after having the last bronchoscope, but now it appears that things are back to being plugged again. They still don’t believe it’s progressive disease, however they will probably need to do a lung biopsy to confirm. The pulmonary team is contemplating whether to do one. Meanwhile, they will be trying some additional respiratory treatments that are used on patients with cystic fibrosis to see if it will help. Nobody really knows what to do at this point since they haven’t really seen anything like this before.

Regardless of everything going on with my lungs, my doctor is ready to start chemo. I will be on a weekly regimen of Taxol starting probably tomorrow. They want me to get my new Hickman first for the infusion. I’m scheduled to have that inserted later today. Just when I’m getting over the soreness of getting the old one out, now I’m going to be sore again from the new one. I can’t complain though, anything is better than more IV’s. I had another one put in just a few hours ago, since my other one stopped working.

Tomorrow will be exactly 3 weeks since I was admitted. It’s unbelievable to think that I’ve been here this long and away from my own bed. I can’t think of a 24-hour period where I’ve gotten more than 4 hours of sleep. My body is so drained/exhausted/weak. Walking is becoming such an effort, not just from a breathing perspective, but from my legs/knees being so weak.

No word yet on getting my own room. Fortunately my roommate is not too bad, she just tends to talk A LOT, which exhausts me.


  • At 2:44 PM, Blogger Pamela M. said…

    You are such an inspiration. Stay strong. You have been through so much. My heart goes out to you Erika.

  • At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hang in there and try and take comfort in the fact that many people are thinking of you, wishing you well, and holding you in their prayers!
    Stay stong!

  • At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is Lea Morrison, from the Hike for Discovery season and another honoree. I am the one with CML and have just switched meds to a newer drug and if this does not work, I head for a BMT myself.

    Debbie shared with us your blog and this is wonderful. I am sorry you have been in the hospital for so long. I hope your platelets bounce back. I have been off of my cancer meds now for over two weeks because my platelets dropped to 23K. I got a CBC today and hopefully they bounce up so I too can resume treatment.

    Wow, another Hickman line in you. When you get out of here you will have to write a book. Keep your head high girlie and keep fighting the good fight.

    I see Dr. Gotlib down at Stanford. I have an appointment next Thursday. If you are up to it, I would love to swing by to say "hi". I am not sick, and like most cancer patients am over the top clean. Gotta love those clorox wipes. Email me: if you need anything what so ever.


  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger drew said…

    Hey it's drew from HFD-Sept hike.
    Keep the fait.Prayers and thouhgts are with you.

  • At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi's gina from hike for discovery...i was an honoree at the last hike this past fall. i think we met at albertson's but maybe i'm confusing you w/ someone else. thoughts are with you! i'm due for a pet scan in a couple of weeks and even though everything's been clear now for a couple of years, i'm worried sick. it's all i can think i'll think about you instead, howz that? i'll keep my candles lit for you (and all the rest of us, too!). if you're looking for reading material to kill the monotony, i'm reading a book called "the life of pi" that is really good. let me know if i can send/bring you a copy! email to:
    xo, gina and ace.


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