Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Update From the Hospital

Last night was not one of my best. Chris ended up not being able to stay with me because they couldn't get a cot or recliner for him. He went home around 11pm. At that time I was feeling okay, but about 30min later everything went downhill. My fever spiked up and the doctor ordered that I have blood cultures done. They drew half of the blood from my hickman and the other half peripherally. About an hour after the cultures were drawn from my hickman, I started to have rigors (violent shaking). I called the nurse and they got me some Demarol (narcotic) in me to stop the rigors. Whenever I've had these in the past, Chris has been with me to calm me down while they got the drug in me, but not having him there made this episode extremely difficult. That knocked me out right away for about an hour, which was the only sleep I got the entire night. I did take a few 30min naps throughout the day, but can't imagine that I've slept more than 4hrs in the last two days.

When I was admitted Tuesday morning, the plan was to possibly do the biopsy that evening/night. Last night they said it would most likely happen this afternoon. This morning they said it wouldn't happen until tomorrow morning. And as of this afternoon it's now tentatively scheduled for sometime around 3-4pm tomorrow afternoon. I've been told that I cannot have any food or fluids after midnight tonight, which is absurd. I'm fine with no food, but not even water for that length of time is unheard of. Especially with the high fevers that I'm having, I'm drinking a lot more than usual. They will probably have to give me fluids via IV starting in the morning, which I'm not looking forward to. Everytime they've done this in the past, I've seemed to gain 5-10lbs in water weight. So gross!

The last that I heard is that I will most likely be sedated for the procedure and they might be taking samples from two different areas of the lung.


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