Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

PET, CT's, & Tattoo's

I spent all of yesterday morning/early afternoon at Stanford.

First, I had to go to medical records to try and retrieve numerous amounts of past treatment records so that I can get a 2nd opinion appointment scheduled at UCSF. UCSF has a great radiology oncology deparment just like Stanford. Because of the risks involved with doing a 3rd round of radiation I thought it would be wise to get a 2nd opinion. I'm hoping that they will be able to see me this coming week.

After that I went to have my PET/CT done. All went well with those and the radiology technician even said we could use my old tattoo's so I didn't have to get any new ones. I'm scheduled to go back in two weeks for a "test run." It takes them two weeks to configure the IMRT treatment that I will be having. If the "test run" goes well, then I may be able to start treatment the following day. The treatments would be every day, so it will be quite the challenge coordinating them with my work schedule.

This Wednesday I will see my doctor again. I will be getting a chest x-ray to make sure that my tumor is not growing out of control.

Work still continues to be as busy as ever. I've come to the realization that it will probably never slow down and I just have to get used the VERY fast paced environment at Oracle.

Things with the house are slowly moving along. Chris and I are hoping to go take a look at some floor places this weekend. We finally got our new dryer delivered last Sunday and I'm shocked at being able to dry a load of laundry in under an hour!


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