Snoopy's Updates

Erika's four-year ongoing battle with non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's Lymphoma after an autologous BMT and non-myeloblative allogeneic BMT.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Erika's Treatment Update -- Week 2

Hi everyone!

Here's my update for the week...

Just got back from my doctor's chemo this week. My counts are way too low (WBC = 1.4, HMG = 8.9, PLTS = 27) so they will wait until next Monday to see if I can get another dosage. Meanwhile, I've been instructed to stay home away from people to prevent any infections. I had already caught a little bit of a cold/eye infection late last week, which put me on antibiotics. I made it through the weekend okay, with low energy, but yet still able to get out and enjoy the nice weather. Today I'm really feeling the fatigue, I know it will be a low energy week for sure (lot's of naps)!

Chris and I are scheduled to fly up to Seattle next Monday evening and return Tuesday evening. We have a busy day scheduled for Tuesday, including consultations with the BMT team, tours of the facility, and housing tours.

As far as the donor matching...I heard from my case manager at Stanford on Friday and it turns out that my sister and dad are both very close matches (this is rare) so they will both continue into the next phase of typing/testing. Usually one or the other matches the recipient closer, however in my case they're very almost identical. I guess this is a good thing, because that means they can use either one as my donor. The next step is for them to have comprehensive physicals, lung capacity, and heart tests.

Well that's all the news for now. Thank you again to all of you offering to take me to treatments and helping out, we really appreciate it!

Love always,

Monday, June 14, 2004

Erika's Treatment Update -- Week 1

Hi everyone!

Thank you for all the emails asking how I've been doing and what my treatments are for the upcoming weeks. Here's my update...

I had my bone marrow biopsy done last Thursday. My attending BMT doctor did the procedure rather than a fellow/resident so it actually wasn't as bad as my previous ones. Regardless it was still painful and I'm still sore. I should get the results next week.

I started chemo this morning and I'm still feeling okay this afternoon (mostly some nausea & fatigue). The treatment consists of three drugs (all of which I've had before) - VP16, Cytoxan, and Prednisone. I go to treatment three days in a row (today, tomorrow, and Wednesday), then I go back to get my counts checked on Monday and depending on the results they might or might not give me another dose next Tuesday. They're mostly concerned about my platelets since they have yet to recover from my transplant and all these drugs will lower them even more. The main side effects of this treatment are nausea, vomiting, and hair loss. After this round of treatment the plan is to check my counts again and do a CT/PET scan to see the prognosis and then decide whether they will proceed with a second round. If my counts drop too much they won't continue and simply move to transplant. We should know by next week whether my sister or dad will be the donor.

That's all the news I have for now. I'll send out another update as soon as I know more information. I'm off to Stanford again in a few minutes for more blood tests to complete the typing with my dad & sister.

Love always,