My Worst CT Experience To Date
In my last update I had mentioned that my oncologist was trying to do everything possible to get my CT date moved up due to the pain I've been having on my side. After much prying and begging, neither of us was successful at getting anything scheduled earlier. Last week I had gotten a call from CT scheduling saying they had a cancellation, but they couldn't consider me since I had to be pre-medicated. I had no idea what they were talking about and called them back to inquire about it. Apparently some new note appeared on my medical record stating that I was allergic to the CT contrast and that I couldn't have one done without being pre-medicated 12 hrs prior to the scan. I told them that I had no idea where they got that information from and that it needed to be removed from my record, because I didn't want another cancellation to come up where I wouldn't be considered. They told me the note would be removed and everything was taken care of.
A cancellation never opened, so I had to keep my original CT date of today at 8pm in hopes that my doctor would have at least preliminary results by tomorrow when I'm scheduled to see her.
This evening I showed up at 8pm and was called in right away. I was attended by a technician and doctor that I had never seen before (I usually always get the same people). The technician had me change and then had me sit down to get an IV started. The doctor came over to start the IV. From the beginning I knew there was going to be a problem. First, he wanted to use a bigger needle. I was able to talk him into using the pediatric one since I knew he wouldn't be able to get in my vein with the bigger one. He tried two times and was unsuccessful. Both times he kept prying and trying to get into the vein even though I kept telling him to stop because it was painful and there was a bubble of fluid forming in my arm. After that he went and got a nurse, which supposedly was more experienced. She again tried twice and had no success (except for to bruise me and hurt me even more).
After that, the doctor decided that he might try to use my Hickman, but couldn't find Heparin to flush it. He then proceeded to get my chart to look something up and noticed the note about me being allergic to contrast and questioned me about it. I told him I was not allergic to contrast; that I've had dozens of CT's done before without a reaction, and had no idea why that was on my record. After about an hour of arguing and him calling numerous people he said he wouldn't do the scan. I told him I wasn't leaving without having the scan since it was nearly impossible to get this appointment and I needed it done before seeing my doctor tomorrow. I told him to call my doctor to get this resolved (it's now 9pm by the way).
He calls my doctor at home and she instructs him that it's okay for me to have the scan, that I'm not allergic to the contrast, and that this whole thing is ridiculous. He still says he won't do it. After going back and forth on the phone with me and the doctor, my oncologist insists that she will drive down that moment to stand next to me as I'm having the scan done since they don't want to be liable if I have a reaction. He still says no. By this time my oncologist is raging mad and I'm a complete hysterical mess. Not only had I not eaten to prepare for the test, but I had already been poked four times. Before I hung up with my oncologist she said she promised to call Radiology first thing in the morning, throw a ruckus, and try to get me in first thing next week. I was devastated.
After hanging up with her, I asked the doctor if the pre-medication happened to be Prednisone. He said yes. I told him I was currently taking Prednisone just like I had indicated on the form they had me fill out when I checked in. He then said "oh well I guess you're pre-medicated then." Idiot!! He still wouldn't do the CT scan because he couldn't get an IV in me though. He volunteered to call over to the main hospital to see if they would do my scan with my Hickman. They agreed and around 10pm I headed down there for my scan.
As we were entering the main hospital, I somehow tripped and did a big spill on the floor. I scraped/bruised up my knees, hips, and cheek. I somehow managed to wobble to Radiology after being offered a wheelchair. Fortunately, the CT crew at the main hospital was VERY nice and couldn't believe what I had gone through. The nurse that helped said I should never go back to the clinic to have my CT done and should have it done there instead so I don't have to go through this ever again. She put a comment on my chart that my CT's should all be done there instead.
I'm not sure if my doctor will have any type of results in time for my appointment tomorrow, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed since the long holiday weekend will only delay things even further. I'm still feeling a little bit of pain on my side and want to get that figured out. I also don't want to have another round of Velban if it's not working and I need to change treatment. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that my oncologist will know something by tomorrow afternoon.
Meanwhile I know tomorrow will be a sore day for me. Not only are my arms bruised from the multiple IV's, but I'm sure I'll be walking like a penguin from my banged up knees and hip. This was definitely not one of my better nights...
A cancellation never opened, so I had to keep my original CT date of today at 8pm in hopes that my doctor would have at least preliminary results by tomorrow when I'm scheduled to see her.
This evening I showed up at 8pm and was called in right away. I was attended by a technician and doctor that I had never seen before (I usually always get the same people). The technician had me change and then had me sit down to get an IV started. The doctor came over to start the IV. From the beginning I knew there was going to be a problem. First, he wanted to use a bigger needle. I was able to talk him into using the pediatric one since I knew he wouldn't be able to get in my vein with the bigger one. He tried two times and was unsuccessful. Both times he kept prying and trying to get into the vein even though I kept telling him to stop because it was painful and there was a bubble of fluid forming in my arm. After that he went and got a nurse, which supposedly was more experienced. She again tried twice and had no success (except for to bruise me and hurt me even more).
After that, the doctor decided that he might try to use my Hickman, but couldn't find Heparin to flush it. He then proceeded to get my chart to look something up and noticed the note about me being allergic to contrast and questioned me about it. I told him I was not allergic to contrast; that I've had dozens of CT's done before without a reaction, and had no idea why that was on my record. After about an hour of arguing and him calling numerous people he said he wouldn't do the scan. I told him I wasn't leaving without having the scan since it was nearly impossible to get this appointment and I needed it done before seeing my doctor tomorrow. I told him to call my doctor to get this resolved (it's now 9pm by the way).
He calls my doctor at home and she instructs him that it's okay for me to have the scan, that I'm not allergic to the contrast, and that this whole thing is ridiculous. He still says he won't do it. After going back and forth on the phone with me and the doctor, my oncologist insists that she will drive down that moment to stand next to me as I'm having the scan done since they don't want to be liable if I have a reaction. He still says no. By this time my oncologist is raging mad and I'm a complete hysterical mess. Not only had I not eaten to prepare for the test, but I had already been poked four times. Before I hung up with my oncologist she said she promised to call Radiology first thing in the morning, throw a ruckus, and try to get me in first thing next week. I was devastated.
After hanging up with her, I asked the doctor if the pre-medication happened to be Prednisone. He said yes. I told him I was currently taking Prednisone just like I had indicated on the form they had me fill out when I checked in. He then said "oh well I guess you're pre-medicated then." Idiot!! He still wouldn't do the CT scan because he couldn't get an IV in me though. He volunteered to call over to the main hospital to see if they would do my scan with my Hickman. They agreed and around 10pm I headed down there for my scan.
As we were entering the main hospital, I somehow tripped and did a big spill on the floor. I scraped/bruised up my knees, hips, and cheek. I somehow managed to wobble to Radiology after being offered a wheelchair. Fortunately, the CT crew at the main hospital was VERY nice and couldn't believe what I had gone through. The nurse that helped said I should never go back to the clinic to have my CT done and should have it done there instead so I don't have to go through this ever again. She put a comment on my chart that my CT's should all be done there instead.
I'm not sure if my doctor will have any type of results in time for my appointment tomorrow, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed since the long holiday weekend will only delay things even further. I'm still feeling a little bit of pain on my side and want to get that figured out. I also don't want to have another round of Velban if it's not working and I need to change treatment. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that my oncologist will know something by tomorrow afternoon.
Meanwhile I know tomorrow will be a sore day for me. Not only are my arms bruised from the multiple IV's, but I'm sure I'll be walking like a penguin from my banged up knees and hip. This was definitely not one of my better nights...
At 1:40 PM,
Randy said…
omg...what a complete loser at the Clinic. I'll join Vido, the boys, and my Lousiville Slugger for a Thanksgiving ass-whopping! Go Erika!
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a fellow TNT Honoree who shares your pain in dealing with inept/uncaring medical staff, I, too, have had the temptation to send Vido and Randy to re-educate these toikeys. Since the power of your electronic pen is mighty, perhaps it's time to start documenting your clinical encounters here:
I'm still thinking of you & Chris!
Roger Fong
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