Back At Work
Today I decided to be brave and go back to work. I’ve been fever free since Saturday morning and feeling relatively well, so I thought why not. I really hope whatever it is that I had is out of my system for good now. The CT scan that I will have done tomorrow should confirm that. On Wednesday I will get the results and if all looks good I may be able to have chemo that afternoon. If not, I’m probably looking at next Monday. I’m still continuing to do my IV anti-fungal medication at home. It’s been so convenient to be able to do my own infusion without having to go in everyday…another advantage of having a central line (catheter).
At 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Erika -
I am so glad to hear you're out of the hospital and doing better! We're all thinking of you here at the LLS/TNT office, and lots of well wishes from the team.
Happy Thanksgiving!
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad to hear that you are home! I've been thinking about you so much. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! Take Care, Martha
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