Erika's Treatment Update -- Week 38
Well I've had my share of Stanford these past two days. Yesterday I went in for my 11th chemo. My counts were good (no elevated liver numbers), my cultures were negative, and no mystery rigors/fevers so my doctor gave me the okay to proceed with chemo. I had my treatment around 5pm and slept through the entire rest of the afternoon, evening, and night. No fevers or nausea so far (knock on wood) this time around...yuppee! I also got the okay to go skiing this weekend :)
My skin biopsy results were a different story. The results showed some type of unspecific dermatitis, which basically means there's something there, but they don't know what it is. We do know it's not lymphoma, which of course is good news. There were more spots all over my lower legs and arms so it was decided that I see an infectious disease specialist and dermatologist today. The infectious disease specialist had no idea what it could be, she asked if I had all my vaccinations when I was a small child and that was about it (wanted to eliminate measles/mumps as an option). The dermatologist was just as clueless and said she hadn't seen anything like it. Both haven't eliminated the possibility of it being GVHD (graft vs host disease), however that is very unlikely due to the pattern of it. For now I'm just supposed to keep an eye on it and if it gets any worse I'm supposed to go back. Thankfully it doesn't itch or bother me, however pretty soon I will start to look like a relative of a leopard if it doesn't clear up! They removed the stitches from my biopsy site also which was nice, it was starting to look like I was growing a bunch of long, unattractive hairs on my calf...yuck!
So that was my excitement of the last two days. Right now I'm not scheduled to go back until the 21st for my full body CT and then on the 23rd for the results as well as treatment.
Well I've had my share of Stanford these past two days. Yesterday I went in for my 11th chemo. My counts were good (no elevated liver numbers), my cultures were negative, and no mystery rigors/fevers so my doctor gave me the okay to proceed with chemo. I had my treatment around 5pm and slept through the entire rest of the afternoon, evening, and night. No fevers or nausea so far (knock on wood) this time around...yuppee! I also got the okay to go skiing this weekend :)
My skin biopsy results were a different story. The results showed some type of unspecific dermatitis, which basically means there's something there, but they don't know what it is. We do know it's not lymphoma, which of course is good news. There were more spots all over my lower legs and arms so it was decided that I see an infectious disease specialist and dermatologist today. The infectious disease specialist had no idea what it could be, she asked if I had all my vaccinations when I was a small child and that was about it (wanted to eliminate measles/mumps as an option). The dermatologist was just as clueless and said she hadn't seen anything like it. Both haven't eliminated the possibility of it being GVHD (graft vs host disease), however that is very unlikely due to the pattern of it. For now I'm just supposed to keep an eye on it and if it gets any worse I'm supposed to go back. Thankfully it doesn't itch or bother me, however pretty soon I will start to look like a relative of a leopard if it doesn't clear up! They removed the stitches from my biopsy site also which was nice, it was starting to look like I was growing a bunch of long, unattractive hairs on my calf...yuck!
So that was my excitement of the last two days. Right now I'm not scheduled to go back until the 21st for my full body CT and then on the 23rd for the results as well as treatment.
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Erika, this is a student from Gunderson Highschool. I just want to say, stay strong no matter what even if things might seem down, always keep your head up
At 10:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I also am a student from GHS, and i want to tell you that i am very proud of how well you are taking this situation..... stay strong and never give up! You are always in my prayers.
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey My names Dyna im frm GHS and i had a cousin dat was 21 he had leukemia and he had a bone marrow transplant but unforutnaltely his body refused it .. and he passed away..just want to say please keep going and hope u get way better ..fight for those that cudnt survive sadly.. Good luck and much hope for u!
At 11:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Erika. I'm a student from Gunderson High shcool. I just wanted to say keep being strong which I can tell you have a lock on. Well here is a lil poem for you.
When it seems like days are going to be rough Just remember there are people that will be walkin with you in those rough days. when it seems like there is no faith in site just look towards the heavens and god will comfort you in your time of need.
At 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Erika. I'm a student from Gunderson High shcool. I just wanted to say keep being strong which I can tell you have a lock on. Well here is a lil poem for you.
When it seems like days are going to be rough Just remember there are people that will be walkin with you in those rough days. when it seems like there is no faith in site just look towards the heavens and god will comfort you in your time of need.
Well good luck with everything! your in my prayers.
4rm :Angelica
At 10:12 AM,
Erika said…
To the GHS students:
Thank you for your kind comments and for taking the time to read my blog. Please feel free to visit it anytime! Thank you again!
At 11:44 AM,
Randy said…
you got a lot of fans Erika! Remember we're all thinking about you! Let us know how your ski trip went. Also, any recent photos! Isn't Chris the photographer? ha! Hope all is well. Take care.
At 11:45 AM,
Randy said…
you got a lot of fans Erika! Remember we're all thinking about you! Let us know how your ski trip went. Also, any recent photos! Isn't Chris the photographer? ha! Hope all is well. Take care.
At 11:45 AM,
Randy said…
you got a lot of fans Erika! Remember we're all thinking about you! Let us know how your ski trip went. Also, any recent photos! Isn't Chris the photographer? ha! Hope all is well. Take care.
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
you got a lot of fans Erika! Remember we're all thinking about you! Let us know how your ski trip went. Also, any recent photos! Isn't Chris the photographer? ha! Hope all is well. Take care.
At 11:48 AM,
Randy said…
you got a lot of fans Erika! Remember we're all thinking about you! Let us know how your ski trip went. Also, any recent photos! Isn't Chris the photographer? ha! Hope all is well. Take care.
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