Back Problems and MRI's
Just when I think I'm doing good and I can be away from Stanford for a little while, something comes lower back pain had been getting worse this past week not allowing me to walk since Monday. I figured by resting it would start to get better on its own, however by Thursday I was in too much pain and decided to call my oncologist. I was told she was out until next week and I knew I couldn't make it through the weekend without seeing someone so I went to see Dr. Michele at Spectrum Health Center (chiropractor) and she did an x-ray of my lower back/pelvis. The x-ray showed some funny looking round spots inside my pelvis bones that looked very suspicious. She felt it was necessary to schedule and MRI right away due to my cancer history. That evening I was at Stanford getting an MRI. Friday I contacted my oncologist (it turned out she was in, just not seeing patients) and she gave me the results of the MRI - normal but with a herniated disc. Later I got another call from the MRI department asking to schedule another MRI for the pelvis. Well it turns out that they didn't do the necessary tests (the area of concern) so I had to go back in at 7am this morning to re-do the MRI. I'm hoping to get the results either Monday or Wednesday when I'm in for chemo. Unfortunately, we won't be able to do the Wharf to Wharf race tomorrow as intended, and I'm hoping that I will be able to do the SF 1/2 marathon next Sunday that we have been training for the past few months. This morning I attempted to do a short walk, but was unable to go further than a few blocks, which was very dissapointing.
At 3:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
A few years ago i was hit by a car and injured my back this caused me so much pain it was ruining my life and then i tried one of those mattresses that mould to your body shape and adjust to your weight and i slept great for the first time in months and woke with no pain at all! You should try it!
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